The primary nutrients humans consume are protein, fat and carbohydrates.
Understanding the role each of these primary nutrients play on our health and
on our ability to gain or lose weight is an important feature of The 2 Week Diet. I
strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with this portion of The 2 Week Diet,
as it will have long lasting ramifications on your daily life.
Proteins are the foundation of
your body’s cells, tissues and
organs. They are essential to
your muscles, hair, skin, hair,
organs and hormones.
While the
body can survive without eating
another carbohydrate and last for
extended periods without eating
fat, a lack of protein in your diet
will cause degeneration of your
muscle tissue and organs, which
will eventually lead to death.
Knowing how important protein is to the body, it is unbelievable to see how many
people still get most of their calories from high-carbohydrate diets.
Several studies have shown that the recommended daily allowance for protein
consumption is far lower than it should be...especially for those engaged in regular
exercise. What this research has shown is that people following the “recommended
daily allowance” of protein consumption while engaging in regular physical activity,
were actually losing valuable muscle tissue because there was not enough protein in
the body to repair and rebuild their muscles after their workouts.
Proteins are made up of amino acids and there are just 20 amino acids that make up
ALL human proteins. Of these 20 amino acids, the body can only produce 12 of these
itself. This means the other eight amino acids must be obtained through the foods
you eat.
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Lysine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and
valine are the essential amino acids that are not made by the body (there are two
others necessary for infants and small children).
We get these amino acids when we
consume protein sources like meat, fish, poultry and legumes.
Protein sources that contain adequate amounts of all of the amino acids are called
“complete proteins.” Those food items that do not contain all or adequate amounts
of amino acids are known as “incomplete proteins.”
In general, animal proteins (meat, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs) are considered
“complete proteins.” The “incomplete proteins” are those that are vegetable based,
usually in the form of grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
To get enough essential amino
acids through vegetable protein, one usually has to combine several different food
groups together in a strategic combination.
Breaking down and processing protein takes a lot more energy and much more time
than it does to break down other nutrients. In other words, the body has to work a
lot harder to digest protein than it does with carbohydrates and fat.
The extra energy it takes to break down and process protein reduces the amount of
energy your body receives from that food it consumed. Also, because it takes longer
to break down and to assimilate protein, the process of emptying the stomach takes
longer as well, which causes us to feel full longer, which reduces hunger pangs.
It is believed that the body can only use about 50% of the protein we eat.
means the other 50% is eliminated from the body as waste because protein is not
stored in the body the same way that fat and carbohydrates are. So, when you eat
calories primarily from protein, you can rest assured that these protein calories are
repairing and rebuilding your body with the excess being eliminated as waste. The
extra protein will not be stored as body fat.
As you will see, this is in stark contrast to
excess carbohydrates and fat we eat, which are stored on our bodies in our fat cells
instead of being eliminated.
Adding protein to your meals causes your body to release a hormone called
glucagon. Glucagon works to slow down the harmful effect of excess carbohydrates
from being deposited into our fat cells. It does so by slowing the rate of absorption
of those carbohydrates.
Additionally, there are new studies that have shown that
when the body releases glucagon (by consuming protein in your diet), it also works
to stimulate fat-burning by freeing up your stored body fat, so that it can be used to
fuel your body.
As you will see, when we increase protein consumption and significantly decrease
the amount of carbohydrates we consume, we benefit from a dual fat-burning effect.
On one hand, when the body does not have carbohydrates to turn to, to fuel the
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body, it begins to use stored body fat. Secondly, the release of glucagon into the
body appears to have the added effect of attacking the fat stores that the insulin has
worked to preserve.
The 2 Week Diet is strategically designed to take advantage of
both of these events.
Unfortunately, fat has received a bad rap for decades. So much so, that it has
become ingrained in our minds to intuitively reach for anything that says “low fat”
even when we know better!
The notion that fat makes us fat makes perfect sense at face value, especially when
you considered how calorically dense fat actually is. A gram of fat contains 9 calories
while the same gram of protein or carbohydrates are only 4 calories.
Fat doesn’t have anywhere near the thermic effect that protein does (only 3% vs
30%), so consuming fat is not necessarily going to “turbo charge” our metabolism.
On the same token, it is important to note that fat by itself also does not make us fat.
In fact, fat plays an important role in many parts of the body. While we can go for
long periods of time without fat, we cannot live without it completely.
Those fats
that we cannot live without are known as essential fatty acids (EFAs). Research has
shown that these EFAs actually help us burn the stubborn, stored body fat that we
want to get rid of, in addition to numerous other health benefits. In The 2 Week Diet,
we will focus on getting an optimal amount of these good fats to enhance our ability
to lose weight fast, while becoming healthier.
Fat Cells
Recently, research has shown that once a fat cell is created, it never goes away.
Fat cells get larger and larger until they can no longer hold stored fat. When this
happens, your body creates new fat cells to hold the excess. And again, once those
new fat cells are created, they are yours for life.
While we cannot totally eliminate fat cells from the body, we can get rid of the
gooey fatty acids and dangerous triglycerides that those fat cells are holding which
will make us thinner.
Understand that fat is actually the perfect fuel for your body.
When we can switch
your body to using this “better” fuel, we can effectively turn your body into a 24/7
fat-burning machine.
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Although carbohydrates are the most common source of energy in humans, the
simple fact is, there is not a single carbohydrate that is essential to human life.
Carbohydrates are classified into two types: Simple & Complex.
Simple carbohydrates are also known as simple sugars. Simple sugars are those
found in refined sugars (and the foods they are made with like cookies, candies, etc)
but also in food like fruit and milk.
Complex carbohydrates are known as starches. Starches include grain products
such as cereals, bread, pasta, crackers and rice.
Like simple carbohydrates, complex
carbohydrates can be refined or left unrefined. Refined carbohydrates are considered
to be less healthy as the refining process strips away much of the vitamins, protein
and fiber. Unrefined carbohydrates cause less insulin spike and because of that, they
are considered to be the healthiest of the carbohydrates.
Regardless of whether the carbohydrates are simple or complex, both of them cause
spikes in blood sugar. As you will see shortly, these spikes in blood sugar are the #1
cause of unwanted body fat.
click image The 2 Week Diet
domingo, 21 de octubre de 2018
2 week diet plan,
body fat.,
primary nutrientshumans,
rapid fat loss,
the 2 week diet,
The 2WeekDiet
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